Our dedicated Executive Director and team of volunteers are committed to helping women in recovery find their rightful and productive place in our society.
From grassroots and peer-to-peer initiatives to our first brick and mortar facility, LI-BER-T House is building better communities.
Supporting women in their recovery journey and empowering them to escape the vicious cycles of substance abuse (alcohol/drugs) and criminality.
LI-BER-T House respectfully acknowledges that we are located on unceded traditional Kanien’kehá:ka territory and we honor the traditional lands of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, Huron/Wendat, Abenaki, and Anishinaabeg and Kanien’kehá:ka.
As part of the calls to Action put forth by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, we are committed to addressing and remedying injustices caused by colonization by providing culturally safe spaces for Indigenous women and supporting them on their healing journey.